What is it? The state of mind that comes about after exposure to confusing and jargonistic language. The type of language that is the enemy of clarity. Breeder of laziness. A barrier to understanding and action. It goes against everything we do in marketing and insights. Yet this type of language is so pervasive. An example, the unnecessary use of the word ‘event’. For example, here’s an ad I saw recently:



Why the redundant use of ‘event’? It’s no longer just a sale, it’s a ‘sale event’. We don’t watch TV series anymore, they’re a ‘series event’, or ‘event series’. In mainstream news, we now have ‘weather events’ not ‘weather’.  Sure, it’s an attempt to give it some ‘oomph’, seem like something more than it is. But ‘event’ is so generic, its inclusion adds nothing. Quite the opposite. Using redundant, generic language sacrifices clarity.

Imagine a longer piece written this way:

‘On a typical day time measurement, I wake up at 6:30am time and begin getting ready for the day time measurement. I have a quick shower ablution, and get dressed for the day time measurement ahead. At 7:15am, I grab a quick breakfast meal of toast bread and a cup of coffee hot drink and an orange juice cold drink before heading out the door entrance to catch the 7:30am train mode of transport into the city central business district. If it’s raining I might drive my car mode of transport instead.

The train mode of transport ride journey takes about 45 minutes time measurement, and I use this time to catch up on email communications and the news communications on my phone electronic communication device. I arrive in the city central business district at 8:15am time and make my way to my office building place of work…’
